Post by FrankOn Tue, 28 Jun 2011 13:50:01 +0000, in '',
in article <Re: How to Move Panasonic Plasma Picture?>,
Post by David RuetherPost by FrankI should note that the problem is *not* usually related to a defective
television; rather it's just the result of having a full display,
something that only pros had in the old days.
Yes, mine does appear to display the entire 1920x1080 area
(the test pattern indicated this, since the tiny side and
corner arrow points indicated the whole pattern could appear,
but that it was very slightly off center).
I'm still on my first cup of coffee so I'm not fully awake yet, but if
the panel is native 1920 by 1080 and no portion of it covered by
(hidden behind) the bezel, and you feed it with a 1920 by 1080 signal,
and you can see, as you claim to, all 2,073,600 pixels, how could the
displayed image be "very slightly off center"?
You do seem to get little sleep - I hope I do not intrude
too much on what you do get...!;-) As for the above, as I
recall, the test-pattern graphic had VERY small outward
pointing triangles at the image borders. It was evident that
the points were VERY slightly missing at the right edge and
more so along the bottom. Since these were opposite the sides
that sometimes show extra material (sometimes on the left,
with a pixel or two width of a vertical line the color of
the "bug", and sometimes at the top [much more often with
SD] with closed captioning material) and the other sides
showed complete triangles (although the possible extra black
edge of the graphic, if present, was difficult to see against
the black bezel so I don't know if it was present). In any
case, the picture is clearly slightly decentered, and it is
not obvious if the cause is in the TV or in the cable signal,
or what, if anything, can be done about it. Since the problem
is minimal with HD (and solvable with SD by expanding the
picture size somewhat), I have not worried too much about
it - but it would be interesting to know what is going on,
and if a complaint to the cable company would be justified.
Post by FrankPost by David RuetherPost by FrankThe usual solutions range from placing a long strip of black
electrician's tape across the top of the panel (yes, I've actually see
people do this)
I've been tempted...;-)
Post by David RuetherBut since the problem is one mostly evident in SD,
That's really the only time that you should even encounter this
problem. It's caused by old standard definition material that was shot
in some analog format and then digitized into a computer for editing.
It's not uncommon in this scenario to see garbage around the edges of
the captured picture.
See above, but it is usually "busy" broken white horizontal
rectangles, often seen with SD, but occasionally also seen
with HD with cable service.
Post by FrankThis can be caused by a number of reasons. Head switching on the
playback VCR is a typical reason, especially with VHS and S-VHS decks.
Inserting a few of lines of video black at the top and bottom of each
frame of video will hide the problem and few viewers will ever notice
the difference. I've done this with old Sony U-matic content.
Post by David Ruetherwith that I use the TV's ability to somewhat
enlarge the overall picture, which can look quite good.
It may "look quite good", but aren't you decreasing the apparent
resolution of the video when you do this?
Yes, technically I am, but it does generally still look
good even with SD material, and losing that busy distraction
at the top of the picture is WORTH IT!;-) Since this is not
generally necessary with HD, there is no loss with that...;-)
Post by FrankPost by David RuetherPost by Frankto getting your hands on a copy of the service manual
and availing yourself of any relevant adjustments that might help to
resolve, or at least hide, the problem.
Scary for some of us...!
Manuals don't bite! Manuals are your friend!
Not if I "mess up"! 8^(
Post by FrankAre you in possession of the service manual for your particular telly?
No, or I would possibly be more aware of my limits while
tinkering with this...
Post by FrankNote that modern HDTVs, and especially anything designed and built in
the last two years or so, are really just computers with some
peripheral devices attached, such as the display panel. Most
adjustments, therefore, are made by changing the values of items in
the service menus. This is usually done using the HDTV's remote
control. Very little, if any, electronic test equipment
(oscilloscopes, volt meters, etc.) is required. Because of this,
almost anyone can go in and tweak their HDTV's various internal
This is good to know...
Post by FrankAnd if you're concerned about screwing things up, there's usually a
Reset function that will return all settings back to their factory
This is also good to know...
Post by FrankOf course, writing down the values of all of the initial settings,
prior to making any changes, is also a good idea.
This is also VERY good to know...! 8^)
Post by FrankPost by David Ruether[..., but thanks for the further comments.]
You're very welcome.
Frank, Independent Consultant, New York, NY
[Please remove 'nojunkmail.' from address to reply via e-mail.]
Read Frank's thoughts on HDV at
[also covers AVCHD (including AVCCAM & NXCAM) and XDCAM EX].
Thanks, again - but please do get enough sleep! (I also sometimes
write on the NG.........zzzzzzzzzz! 8^)